Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Superman's new 'do

As expected with chemotherapy, dad's hair finally started to come out to such a degree that he went to get it buzzed off.  I actually think he looks pretty good with the clean cut look!  I'll post a photo below along with a lot of other great family and friend supporter photos.  Another change is dad's living arrangements.  Now that the treatments and doctor visits are fewer and farther between it didn't make sense to live in the Texas Medical Center and pay exorbitant rent for corporate housing.  With room to spare and close proximity to the Medical Center, mom and dad have moved in with the Pearland Hansens!  We are so glad to have them with us.  Plus, dad's dog, Pima, is now under the same roof with him.

Dad's second chemo treatment is this week..... please pray for him to be strong and the cancer responds positively to treatment.

Speaking of prayer and the power of prayer.....Dad has been a witness to the power of prayer through this journey.  There have been a string of small and large miracles that have taken place.  You can't question the power of prayer and the role everyone has played in helping our Superman up until this point.  I mention all of this to say that dad has felt a calling to spread the power of prayer, no matter how long or short, the action of prayer is greater than any superman power.  Dad had thousands of cards made to remind people to pray.  He will pass them out as he sees fit and if anyone would like some cards as well, we can send them out to you.

Dad's prayer reminder card

Jim Clymer, Matt McTeague, and Connie Borden supporting Steve.  Thanks!

Superman's new 'do

One more

Check out the Superman t-shirts!  Thanks Green Family, et al.

Y'all are overachievers with the shirts! Thanks for the support.

The 'Green siblings' supporting Steve

one more....

Thank you to all the family in Kentucky/Tennessee area.  We need your continued support!


  1. Stef n family in NCAugust 24, 2011 at 5:55 PM

    Great new do Steve...and the style..for sure...
    we'd love some cards...they are very very inspirational...and so true...I so love it when people find and feel the power in prayer.....
    many hugs prayers..healing energies..n love
    Stef n family NC

  2. Hi Steve,

    Many thanks for the reminder to prayer.

    May you be bless with God's Grace and strength to cope with the chemotherapy.
    Love to Cindy.

    God bless, Margaret

  3. Thank you for the update. You have remained in our thoughts and prayers. Our Sunday school class has been praying for Steve. I'm glad to have an updated report to give them.

    You really carry that bald look well. (Johnny has been doing that for years !). Stay strong.
    Kathy McClellan
